Pros & Cons of Cakephp Development

CakePHP is one of the most comprehensive PHP platforms and has become very popular among developers. It has proven to be very useful and effective. CakePHP is highly organized with perfect collection of elements. It has a lot of advantages over other frameworks like CodeIgniter, Symphony or Zend. CakePHP offers various valuable reusable libraries for dealing with common tasks. CakePHP helps in creating robust and specialized websites with an easy process.
Let us have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of CakePHP framework in detail.
  • CakePHP is very easy to understand. It is easy to use this platform without any hassle. CakePHP is easy and effective. In fact, it has set high standards in areas like security, session handling and many others.
  • CakePHP depends on MVC (Model-View-Control) model which distinguishes the business judgement from the data presentation coating. Basically, the View option supports data representation on the screen. Model option supports data management and it is supported by Controller option. This is essential for large applications and websites.
  • CakePHP allows the practice of creating codes that can be conveniently reused. So it is not required to create new codes from scratch all the time. This helps in reducing time and effort while creating websites and applications.
  • CakePHP is an open source PHP platform that assists in web application development. Developers can make robust, effective and affordable websites easily.
  • CakePHP is free to use for website and applications development. It is very fast in processing and be easily used to create great applications. It is also very flexible.
  • CakePHP assists ORM technique (Object Relational Mapping) and integrates the specification of an object learning programming language.
  • CakePHP framework is compatible with almost all website directories and also with the last versions of PHP.
  • CakePHP framework is one of the most preferred frameworks by developers because of the ease of testing and debugging any application once it is developed. This helps in identifying the errors and correcting them.
  • This framework enables easy management of database. It has additional features than any other platform and helps in maintaining the database in a much more comprehensive and better way.
  • The documentation of CakePHP is not as comprehensive as other platforms and requires some more definitive guidelines.
  • To use CakePHP, developer has to update the default routes for creating fancy URL’s which is a lot more work compared to other PHP frameworks.
  • CakePHP is considered to be the simplest programming framework to learn but there have been new frameworks that are most interesting and extremely friendly.
  • CakePHP often proves to be a disadvantage because of one way routing as compared to other frameworks.
We can see that the advantages have outnumbered the disadvantages. CakePHP has proven to be very useful and efficient PHP tool and we can easily say that it has become a favourite among developers. However, only a CakePHP specialised developer can take full advantage of its features and create a stunning and robust website.
Know more about Cakephp :


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