Why Should Your Business Choose For Zend Web Development?

Being one of the most preferred languages for web development, PHP is responsible for enabling nearly 80 percent of the websites that dot the vast landscape of World Wide Web. The popularity of this general purpose, sever-side scripting language has led to the development of a lot of PHP frameworks. Zend occupies a major chunk in PHP development. Being a favorite MVC framework for web developers, the framework has only become better with its latest stable version of Zend 2. The framework is widely preferred and trusted by various corporations, such as Cisco WebEx and BNP Paribas. The scope of Zend is not only limited to gearing up websites for small- and mid-sized businesses, but this powerful PHP framework is also capable of boosting enterprise applications. Here we’ve listed a few of its functionalities that would make you go for it! Easily Extends the Classes Being a fully object-oriented MVC framework, the Zend framework makes use of inheritances and interfaces like...